We invite everyone without prior preparation! Unique, quick massage training! 100% result! We guarantee you will be the best!

Saman students who have studied several types of massage and esoteric classes have the opportunity of employment in our center. We rent well-equipped premises for individual work. You can pay monthly, daily or hourly.

In cooperation with Planet SPA, we also offer work in foreign countries - Greece and Egypt.

Kursu saraksts

School training License №. DIKS-22-38-ail

School training License for Ayurvedic massages №. DIK-22-39-ail

Adult non-formal education. A certificate is issued in accordance with the requirements of adult non-formal education of the Republic of Lithuania. Doctors can collect points for recertification!

*You can apply for the courses by phone 24888889 or by sending a text message indicating your name and surname, the massage technique you want to learn! Classes are held in Old Riga, Valņu street 19.

*We also conduct field trainings in other cities of Latvia, mostly they are one or two day courses (there must be no less than four students).

*You must bring two bed sheets, comfortable clothes, notes and a good mood to the lesson!

We respect your time, so we offer you to learn massage courses quickly and efficiently, that is, 30 hours and you will learn to massage! Theory and video materials (if provided) are given to each student! In the courses, 95 percent of the time is spent in practice.

The training is conducted by professional educators with a lot of experience. The program has been specially developed, taking into account the requirements expressed by employers. Practice is given based on more than 30 years of experience as a masseuse - teacher. A lot of information, a large amount of learning material, a unique massage technique that can only be learned at our school.



Mukhabhyanga (facial point massage + pitch)

Included in the training - Oils that rejuvenate facial skin, masks, points on the face and décolletage, hand massage

No medical education required!

Training duration - 12 h

The courses are scheduled for 27, 28. July

The lesson takes place at 10:00 - 16:00

Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 150 EUR
scrolling finger


Tibetan back massage

Energetic, fairly strong back massage, determination of energetic problem areas along the spine, point stimulation, muscle development

Classes take place at: 10:00 - 16:00
Training duration - 6 h
Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 100 EUR
scrolling finger


Champi head massage

Master's training, theory, mantras, energetic cleansing, protection methods. Shoulder area, head, face are massaged.

Training duration - 12 h

The intensive course is intended for 2., 3.,July 

Classes take place at: 10:00 - 16:00

(Payment is for two days)

*If there is a desire to learn one of the massages (except classical), but at another time, then - if there are at least two students - you can agree on another time.

Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 150 EUR
scrolling finger


Classic massage

The teacher shares her extensive 30-year experience in massage techniques and working with clients. If you want to learn several types of massage, we offer a master class. Master class 2 months. in length Come and you will receive certificates for five types of massages! Become a SPA specialist, run your own private practice or work abroad! Our graduates practice in many worlds countries! Remember - you are the best!

The intensive course is planned -  6.,12.,16.,17.,19.,23 July
Classes take place at: 10:00 - 16:00
Training duration - 30 h
The maximum number of students in the group is 6 students.
The teacher shares her extensive 30-year experience in massage techniques and working with clients.

The program includes:
Anatomy and physiology, whole body massage, express massage of the shoulder area in a sitting position, theory of aromatherapy, theory of lymphatic drainage technique, wrapping procedure - video and theory, sports massage techniques, as well as a surprise....

Program under the list of classes!
Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 200 EUR
scrolling finger


Anti-cellulite massage program

Lymphatic drainage, honey massage, vacuum banks, bamboo or hazel brushes. Problem areas are massaged - thighs, stomach, if necessary, hands, etc. Quick result!

(only with prior knowledge of classical massage!)
Three in one!
The intensive course is planned - 15., 16. jūlijs
Classes take place at: 10:00 - 16:00
If necessary, it is possible to train at school for 18 hours. If necessary, it is possible to train at school for 18 hours
Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 150 EUR
scrolling finger


Classic facial massage

Skin, its structure, types of skin, proper selection of masks and creams, classic face massage Demonstrating elements of techniques of massage gouache, self-massage face, massage zone decollete. Упражнения bigan-yoga for the face for problem zones, lifting of points for the face (озарение, demonstration)

Training duration - 12 hours

Courses are scheduled for July  25, 26 (if there is a group)

The lesson takes place at 10:00 - 16:00

Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 150 EUR
scrolling finger


Royal Thai foot and leg massage.

The program includes diagnosis based on the condition of the feet, homeopathic recipes, foot baths, points, their meaning, preparation of massage butter, etc. Legs are massaged along their entire length (feet, calf, knee, thigh). Biologically active points are stimulated. Foot self-massage, exercises. (Teacher's certificate was received at the Medical Center of Thailand. See the photo in the section - Instructors) The payment is indicated for two days!

The course is scheduled for - 20., 21., jūlijs
Classes take place at: 10:00-16:00
* If there is a desire to learn one of the massages (except classical), but at another time, then - if there are at least two students - you can agree on another time.
Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 150 EUR
scrolling finger


Hot stone massage

The program includes: Introduction to Ayurveda, energetic cleansing of the client, MASSAGE TECHNIQUE Chakras, working with them, mantras, preparation of the master Semi-precious stones and their application, methods of purification Which stones are better to use in massage Energetic cleansing for masseur, etc. One of the most fantastic relaxing massages.

The course is scheduled for - 22., 23. July

Classes take place at: 10:00-16:00

* If there is a desire to learn one of the massages (except classical), but at another time, then - if there are at least two students - you can agree on another time.

Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 150 EUR
scrolling finger


Sambahan Massage

Ajūrvēdas masāža kas iedarbojas uz visu ķermeni, visām sistēmām. Tiek masēts viss ķermenis kā ari vēders. Masāžas laikā liela uzmanība tiek pievērsta enerģijas attīrīšanai, bioloģiski aktīvu punktu stimulēšanai, ķermeņa masāža ar izvēlētām eļļām. Masiera aizsardzības tehnikas, attīrīšanās metodes, ajūrvēdas filozofija. Masāžas ilgums 2,5 h Tiek izsniegta masāžas shēma, pēc kuras strādā ar klientu.

Apmācības notiks:


23.,26.,28.,29. July

Zvani vai sūti īsziņu- 24888889

Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 250 EUR
scrolling finger

By agreement

Marma chikitsa

Warming up marma points, energy cleansing Non-contact massage *Incense sticks are used in the work.

Duration of training - 4 hours

Teacher: Iveta Orbidāne
Course fee: 60 EUR
scrolling finger


Samana massage center offers to become professional masters!

We invite interested people who want to become professional masseuses to apply.
The program includes the following courses:
  • Classic massage (30 academic hours + 6 hours)
  • Champi shoulder, head and face massage (12 academic hours)
  • Thai foot massage (12 academic hours)
  • Anti-cellulite program (honey massage, lymphatic drainage, vacuum banks) (12 academic hours)
  • Hot stone massage (12 academic hours)
  • Aromatherapy (Theory, optional practice)
  • Express massage - shoulder area in a sitting position, spine development (4 academic hours)
Duration of studies 2 months
Lesson times and dates can be changed by coordinating with the group. It is also possible to apply separately for the classic massage course.
If for some reason you cannot attend the class on the specified date, it is possible to do so by joining another group.
After receiving the certificates, you can immediately practice in SPA salons or hotels, receiving payment for it. We offer work abroad!


Iveta Orbidāne
Chinese therapeutic point massage, energetic exercises (master My Yuičjun) Certificate for Thai massage and Royal Thai foot-foot massage was obtained in Pattaya, Thailand. Coach
  • SPA massage therapist;
  • Ayurvedic massage therapist;
  • Thai massage therapist (Thai medicine certificate, Pattaya);
  • Sri Lankan massage;
  • Reiki master, initiated by Diksha giver (Unity University India);
  • Cosmoenergy psychologist (Moscow, Savenkova School);
  • School of Religious Sciences;
  • Healing Academy;
  • Institute of Cosmo philosophy;
  • Cosmoeneosugestology (Kiev);
  • Academy of Parapsychology and Esoterics;
  • Spiritual practices, rituals and meditation instructor;
  • Specialist in body and soul healing practices;
  • Author of methods for harmonizing human biofield, body and soul;
Viktors Perfilovs
Certificate no. R 2008/09 TT issued by Meta International Inc. Training will be held in Russian with Latvian translation, only Online seminars.
  • Instructor of the Lithuanian Parapsychology Academy;
  • NLP Master;
  • Certified hypnotherapist. One of the leading hypnosis masters and NLP instructors in Lithuania;
  • Higher Technical;
  • In 2000, mastered NLP techniques under the guidance of Vadim Denkty in the USA;
  • NLP master, trained in Russia by Andrej Vinogradov, Nina Golosova, Jelena Vil;
  • In 2008, studied in the USA, where she mastered NLP and hypnosis techniques from Ph.D. Frank R. Pucelik.;


Andis ir izcils masieris!:) Otru tādu Rīgā neatradīs! Visiem iesaku!
Mācījos 3 veidu masāžu kursus Samanā. Man jāsaka Jums milzīgs palides, ka palīdzējāt man atvērt durvis uz masāžas pasauli, jo veicot masāžas gūstu tiešām gandarījumu. Vakar, sniedzot masāžu klientam, iedomājos, ka jāuzraksta jums pateicība. Patreiz esmu Londonā un sniedzu masāžas pakalpojums gan privāti, gan strādājot salonā.
Nekad vēl neesu bijusi tik brīnišķīgos kursos, kur ieguvu tik daudz zināšanu un praksi, lieliski pavadīju laiku ar jaukiem cilvēkiem, tik daudz smējusies un arī tik daudz nostrādājusies un nosvīdusi, un pirmo reizi mūžā tiku tik pamatīgi izmasēta, ka vakarā vairs nepazinu savas kājas. PALDIES!
Anete Z.(33), Rīga
Iveta ir ļoti zinošs cilvēks, kopā ar zināšanām par masāžu, ieguvu arī izpratni par tādām saistītām lietām kā veselība un gars, un ieraudzīju pasauli ar citām acīm.
Biju uz Champi masāžu Samanā. Tik lieliski relaksēta un "atslēgusies" no ikdienas raizēm sen nebiju! Paldies meistaram par lielisko masāžu, pēc kuras jutos kā kosmosā, pilnīgi mierīga un priecīga! Arī atmosfēra kabinetā bija ļoti patīkama, ar lielisku mūziku un noskaņu. Noteikti apciemošu jūs vēlreiz, jo tā ir vieta, kas atstāja ļoti pozitīvas un patīkamas sajūtas, kur ir vēlme atgriezties. Personīgs paldies vēlreiz Ivetai un meistaram Andim!
Vēlos pateikt lielu paldies par tām iespējām , kuras sniedz Samana un samanieši. Īpašs paldies Ivetai par tām zināšanām, ar kurām viņa dalās. Piedzīvoju Ivetas meditācijās daudz brīnumainus brīžus, kuri ļāva man izmainīt pagātnes notikumus. Tas ir iespējams, ka sāc apzināties cilvēka iespējām nav robežu. Šīs robežas, kuras esam salikusi sev apkārt, varam noņemt un pavērt sev plašāku pasaules uztveri, un galvenais sevi atrast. Tāpat piedzīvoju A.Kučinska akadēmijā brīnumu. Saucu to par brīnumu, jo prāts tam vēl nav gatavs, lai nosauktu par ikdienu. Praktisko nodarbību veicot, pacēla mani kāds virs zemes, nu tā pavisam reāli atrāvos no zemes un turējos gaisā. Sajūta tāda, kuru man grūti aprakstīt, bet skaidri zinu, ka tas ir iespējams. Tas ir tikai ceļa sākums zinu, ka iegūšu vēl daudz zināšanas un savu iespēju apliecinājumu. Varu tikai tiem, kuri meklē sevi, ieteikt apmeklēt Samanā Ezoterikas nodarbības kuras vada Iveta, kā arī citas nodarbības, kuras piedāvā Samana.
Paldies Ivetai un "Samaniešiem "-Andim, Andai, Ģirtam. Paldies Baibai, Uģim, Madarai un Džeraldam par skaisto ceļojumu uz Poliju pēc zināšanām, skaistuma un prieka! Lai mums visiem skaists un brīnumu pilns pavasaris!
Mīļš paldies masierim Andim par profesionālu un skaistu darbu, neaizmirstamām ķermeņa un dvēseles sajūtām, prasmi likt aizmirst ikdienas rūpes un raizes!
Kā vienmēr izejot no Tevis ar mīlestības un bezgala laimes pārpilnu sirdi... Es tagad jūtos kā no jauna piedzimusi… Man gribas kliegt no laimes. Es izstaroju kaut ko pozitīvu. Milzīgs paldies Tev Ivetiņ, mana mīļā skolotāja.
Ieva B.
Kas var būt skaistāks par pilnīgu harmonijas sajūtu. Bez Samanas tas man nekad nebūtu izdevies. Esmu bezgala pateicīga par fantastisko 3 dienu nometni, kurā ieguvu gan jaunas zināšanas, gan sajūtu, ka "Es un daba, un Visums - mēs esam viens vesels". Pilnīgi ar citām acīm skatos uz pasauli. Kartējā teorētiskā daļa ir ieplūdusi manī un iesakņojusies uz palikšanu pavisam. Jau gaidu nākamo reizi, kad varēšu sēsties uz sava akmens jūrā. Ļoti skaistas un spilgtas atmiņas. Vienas no visvērtīgāk pavadītajām 3 dienām šogad. Paldies, paldies, paldies Samanas māmiņai Ivetai.
Dace R.
Vissirsnīgākais paldies Ivetai par palīdzību. Biju izmisumā, jo paralizējās puse sejas sakarā ar 3 zaru nerva iekaisumu. Ārsti nepalīdzēja. Bet pateicoties Ivetai, man ar seju viss kārtībā. Vārdos grūti izstāstīt, cik ļoti esmu pateicīga. Paldies no visas sirds.
Sveicināti! Gribu pateikties visam salona"Samana"kolektīvam, bet īpaši sirsnīgs paldies jaukajai masierītei ZANEI, laipna, atsaucīga un galvenais perfekti veic savu darbu. Paldies par prasmīgajam un maigajām rokām.
Ļoti izcila pasniedzēja, skolotāja Iveta, sava sfērā visu pārzin. Ar prieku pasniedz masāžu kursus un iemāca visu to, ko citur nemāca.Noteikti, ja mācīšos vēl kādu masāžu, vērsīšos uz Jūsu skolu! Pateicoties jums esmu kļuvusi par izcilu masieri.
Fantastiski un brīnumaini pavadīts 3 dienu seminārs! Sajūtas vārdos aprakstīt grūti, bet ja mēģinātu, tad tas būtu - jūra, dabas spēks un varenība, ceļojums uz savas būtības un savu spēju apzināšanos, dziedinošā un Dievišķā pieskāriens, solis nezināmajā, bet tik brīnišķajā! Laimes, mīlestības, miera un vienota visuma sajūtu apvienojums! Ik vienam novēlu vismaz reizi dzīvē piedzīvot tādu sirds piepildījumu, kas vēl ilgi staro pāri malām kā mēs guvām šeit! Paldies mīļajai Samanas māmiņai Ivetai! Paldies, ka Tu esi!!!
Jau gadu eju uz garīgās attīstības nodarbībām pie Ivetas un redzu rezultātu, gan sevī, gan kā vidē ap mani, kas ir pozitīvi mainījusies pa šo laiku un jūtu, ka tas ir tikai sākums... :) Atbira viss liekais un atnāca jaunais un sen meklētais. Liels paldies manai garīgajai mammai, Ivetai, par sirds siltumu, atbalstu un stingru vārdu īstajā brīdī :)